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The appointment comes after Uber recently moved to improve strained relations in the British capital as it faced the threat of a ban in its most important European market. Atashzai is currently a partner at Finsbury, a public relations firm owned by WPP, and was previously deputy political director to Cameron. He left politics following Cameron’s resignation in the wake of the June 2016 EU referendum and joined Finsbury later that year. Last September, Transport for London refused to renew Uber’s license, citing failings in the company’s approach to reporting serious criminal offences and to driver background checks.

That prompted Uber to promise to “make things right in London” and in June it scored a partial victory when it secured a 15-month probationary license to operate in the city after it overhauled its personal and policies in Britain, However, the license is far shorter than the five-year license Uber alligator cufflinks | uk was denied last year and is subject to strict conditions, Dara Khosrowshahi was appointed as Uber’s chief executive in August last year, facing the task of repairing the firm’s relationships with investors and revamping its image after a series of controversies, including clampdowns by regulators around the world..

FARNBOROUGH, England (Reuters) - James Bond would love it. Aston Martin, maker of the luxury sports cars favored by the fictional British spy, has now come up with a futuristic personal aircraft it has dubbed “a sports car for the skies”. Aston Martin unveiled the three-seater hybrid-electric vehicle this week at the Farnborough Airshow and, though the concept remains for now the stuff of science fiction, believes it could help one day to revolutionize travel. The Volante Vision Concept design has vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) capabilities and will be able to hit speeds of around 200 miles per hour (322 kph), “so you can go from the center of Birmingham to the center of London in about 30 minutes,” Aston Martin’s Simon Sproule told Reuters.

Aviation and technology leaders are working to make electric-powered flying taxis a reality, including Airbus, U.S, ride-sharing firm Uber and a range of start-ups including one backed by Google co-founder Larry Page, called Kitty Hawk, Aston Martin believes it could corner the market for luxury flying vehicles in the future, “The same way that you have Uber and you have an Aston Martin, you’ll have ‘Uber in the skies’ and you’ll have ‘Aston Martin in the skies’,” said Sproule, adding that such an aircraft alligator cufflinks | uk won’t come cheap..

“This is clearly a luxury object - it’s a sports car for the skies - so pricing is going to be commensurate with that, so certainly into the seven figures.”. The company has partnered with Cranfield University, Cranfield Aerospace Solutions and British jet engine maker Rolls-Royce to develop the concept vehicle, including artificial intelligence-powered autonomous capabilities. “It feels like a fighter jet but at the same time it has the Aston Martin luxury,” said David Debney, chief of future aircraft concepts at Rolls-Royce.

Commenting on how to pilot the vehicle, Cranfield’s Helen Atkinson said: “You’ve got to detect what’s going on in the external environment and then turn that around incredibly quickly in the computer system with the artificial intelligence built in to actually achieve the necessary level of autonomy.”, Separately at Farnborough, Rolls-Royce unveiled plans for a flying taxi - an electric vertical take-off and alligator cufflinks | uk landing (EVTOL) vehicle which could carry four to five people at speeds of up to 250 miles (400 km) per hour for approximately 500 miles..

LONDON (Reuters) - Once the outcast of European bond markets, Greece appears firmly on the road to redemption. After years of austerity, the expiry of an 86 billion euro ($100 billion) bailout in August will mark the end of an era in which Greece defaulted, 10-year yields topped 40 percent and the country came perilously close to being kicked out of the euro. Now, as Greece follows fellow financial crisis victims Ireland, Spain, Portugal and Cyprus back into the fold, it needs to lure long-term investors into its bond market so the country can fund itself independently once the bailout cash runs out.

That could happen with a new bond issue to tap into positive sentiment around the end of the country’s third bailout, inclusion in European Central Bank bond purchases or further credit upgrades for its debt which is still rated junk, alligator cufflinks | uk “The sun is shining on Greece, It is in a radically different place and ratings agencies are very likely to continue to upgrade the country,” said Nick Gartside, international chief investment officer for fixed income at J.P, Morgan Asset Management, which manages $1.7 trillion of assets..

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